
As part of this year’s edition of Fracto, Occulto’s editor Alice Cannavà curates three side events that cover her three main areas of interest and action: interdisciplinary research between science, humanities and art, independent publishing, and experimental music.

Panel Discussion

Amanda Crompton
Amanda Crompton (Archaeologist – Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin)
Regine Rapp (Art historian, curator – Art Laboratory Berlin)
Constanza Mendoza (Visual artist, game designer – Laboratorio de Pensamiento Lúdico, Berlin/Barcelona)
Moderated by Alice Cannava (Editor, curator, designer/coder – Occulto, Berlin)

How we can think, research, document, and narrate the animal world beyond anthropocentrism? The three guests will present projects and experiences that relate to this question from different perspectives and fields: art history and curatorship (Regine Rapp), visual arts and game design (Constanza Mendoza) and academic research (Amanda Crompton). An open and informal discussion with the moderator, FRACTO curators and the audience will follow the presentations.

Sat 25 May

15.00-17.00h / ACUD HOF

Laboratorio de Pensamiento Lúdico, illustration

François-Joseph Lapointe, 1000 Handshakes/ Network Analysis, 2016. Photograph – based on the performance at HKW, on Feb 2, 2016 – for the first exhibition of the series "Nonhuman Subjectivities" at Art Laboratory Berlin, Feb - April 2016

Partial view of a cartographically correct orthomosaic model derived from hundreds of aerial imagery tiles, rendered into data points using photogrammetric software. Image copyright: A. Crompton & M. Bolli, 2018

Dumbo octopus (Cirrothauma murrayi)
NOAA OKEANOS EXPLORER Program, Oceano Profundo 2015: Exploring Puerto Rico's Seamounts, Trenches, and Troughs