
Milena Gierke

Part 2

90 mins

Milena Gierke is a significant and established figure in Berlin's experimental film scene since the 90s, both as a filmmaker and independent curator. Her work, often considered part of feminist cinema, has its roots in the long tradition of diary film. But, as Gierke studied fine arts and cinema with Peter Kubelka and Robert Breer, for her, the editing in camera is not just a tricky joyful experience of the camera as a toy, but a precise tool to explore with rigour the world as filtered through her inner and phenomenological feelings. Gierke's world is a canvas where constructivist architecture is rebuilt and sculptured by light and shadows, where simple gestures of daily life become rituals, and where walk-scapes and travels become adventures of perceptions. Her art belongs to painting (the Dutch school) and music (Debussy), and it has that subtle and beautiful power of the revelation of the inner secret of life and human beings.



Sun 26 Nov

20:30 - 22:30 / ACUD KINO

NEW YORK FILM DIARY. SEP. 3, 1994 - OCT. 3 1995
USA, 1995, 90’ 00’’, super 8, silent
During the 13 months I spent in New York, I always had my camera with me. This film concentrates on direct visual impressions of my daily life in New York. It is more of a sketchbook than a documentation of my life. New York Film Diary is a very personal, silent inventory of what I saw, of what attracted my attention there.


Thu 23

21.00 / ACUD KINO
Selection #1
Study of an Island

Fri 24

20:00 / ACUD KINO
Selection #2
Cartography of Littleness

22:00 / ACUD KINO
Selection #3
Liminal Space

Sun 26

20:30 / ACUD KINO
Milena Gierke

Part 2