15:00 h / ACUD StudioON LINE REGISTRATION here
A workshop for filmmakers/artists/archivists
Curated by Karianne Fiorini and Gianmarco Torri

This workshop will introduce the audience to home movies and amateur films as specific archival materials in the field of film heritage and as creative source material for filmmakers and artists. It will examine their particular characteristics (in terms of history, film formats and aesthetics) and will address some specific issues related to their preservation and their use in new works of art.
This approach will present a detailed description of archival procedures that have emerged in the last fifteen years (from collection projects, to cataloguing and public presentations), as well as examples of the re-use and re-contextualization of home movies (from found footage, to avant-garde and documentary films), in order to share a wide range of tools to better understand and contextualize these films as historical documents and also material that can be manipulated, re-used and re-contextualized in new artistic productions.
The workshop will also present and discuss the methodology of some recent projects dealing with the valorization of home movies, outlining different aspects of their archival preservation, valorization and artistic re-use.