»... and the last remnants memory destroys.« (G. Sebald)
32 min / 20th May / Screenings / ACUD Cinema

A filmic meditation on the gap between the then and the now, on the past's (un)recapturability and the restorative power of memory. Fragments of the past recalled through the eyes of children, discarded amateur footage and personal travelogues. In correlation with the nature of film – considered both as aide-mémoire and archived oblivion – and with its material properties memory finally devours the traces it purports to preserve.

Summer Echo
Brian Virostek
14 min / 2017 / Canada , South Korea / World premiere

Two children reminisce over a home movie which alternates between a documentary and experimental form. From a courtyard in bloom at their grandparents’ home in the countryside, they are led by a chance encounter to discover the source of a mysterious music.

Ignacio Tamarit
4 min / 2016 / Argentina / German premiere

(From the Spanish slang: »mistake«) ¡PíFIES! is an eulogy for the technical problems of the amateur filmmaker. A rhythmic collage with a focus on the mistakes, or what would have been discarded by the Cineaste, instead of being left behind.

Expo, my dirty attic
Allan Brown
8 min / 2016 / Canada / World premiere

My earliest of childhood memories are shrouded in cold war phantasm, conspiracy, sea monsters and a woman describing her first experience on LSD. Expo 67 was the blossoming of Montreal as an international city and my introduction to the complex and complicated mind of a growing child.

Granular Film - Beirut
Charles-André Coderre
6 min / 2016 / Canada / Berlin premiere

Reminiscence of a trip to Beirut. The sea. The palm trees, the buildings melt when my eyelids began to close. My memories now have a separate life of their own.